Live Kerala Karunya Plus lottery result Today has officially been released by The Directorate of Kerala State Lotteries at After 4:00 PM, a PDF will be available on the website. The Kerala Lottery PDF provides players with essential information such as winning numbers, common numbers, and prize amounts.
Every Thursday at 3:00 PM in Thiruvananthapuram, the Department of Kerala State Lotteries holds the Karunya Plus KN Today draw in Sree Chithira Home Auditorium, Pazhavangadi, East Fort. Legally, the Kerala State Lotteries department organizes seven weekly lotteries with different names and seasonal lotteries also known as bumpers for special occasions like Christmas, Summer, Vishu, Monsoon, and Thiruvonam. Visit the Jackpot website today to check the latest Karunya Plus lottery results and see if you are a lucky winner.
Participate Karunya Plus
By strictly following these steps, you can participate in the Karunya Plus Lottery draw:
- Participants must be 18 or older to buy a lottery ticket.
- Lottery tickets are sold by authorized retailers across Kerala and government outlets.
- Residents of Kerala and others can participate in the Karunya Plus Lottery within the state.
- You can select your numbers or use a quick pick option for random numbers.
- Buy a Karunya Plus Lottery ticket from a retailer for 50 rupees each.
Winning Prizes for Kerala Karunya Plus Lottery
Each winner receives a different prize amount, making it more curious for players. The winning prizes for the Kerala Karunya Plus Lottery are listed below:
- 1st Prize: Rs 80,00,000
- 2nd Prize: Rs 10,00,000
- 3rd Prize: Rs 1,00,000
- 4th Prize: Rs 5,000
- 5th Prize: Rs 1,000
- 6th Prize: Rs 500
- 7th Prize: Rs 100
- Cons Prize: Rs 8,000
Check Live Kerala Lottery Karunya Plus Result
Here are the steps to follow to check the Kerala Lottery Karunya Plus result:
- Visit the website at
- From display click Karunya Plus on your screen.
- Select the lottery/draw number for Karunya that corresponds to the draw date.
- Click the view option.
- Review all the details such as lottery numbers of winners and winning amounts.
- Download PDF results of Karunya Plus for future reference.
Claim Karunya Plus Lottery Prize Online
Quickly register and submit the winning lottery ticket number within 1 month to Kerala Lotteries Board officials and claim your Karunya Plus Lottery prize.
- Verify your win by checking today’s jackpot results on our official website.
- Complete the prize claim form provided by the lottery authorities.
- Gather the necessary documents along with the original winning ticket.
- Visit the nearest Kerala State Lottery Headquarters or an authorized Kerala lottery agent.
- Submit your completed claim form and documents to lottery officials for verification within the given time frame.
- Once verified, you will be notified to collect your Karunya Plus prize from the designated claim center.
Transparent Karunya Plus Draw
To participate in the Karunya Plus Lottery draw, you must adhere to certain rules and regulations established by the Kerala government. One must be at least 18 years old to purchase a lottery ticket. Unlike other state lottery games, along with the residents of Kerala other states are eligible to participate. Ensuring fairness, officials uphold their commitment by selecting Karunya Plus Lottery winners through transparent practices. This open draw process, conducted regularly in front of the public and government officials every Thursday, enhances trust among thousands of participants due to its frequent winning opportunities.
Social Welfare Schemes
The money generated by the Karunya Plus Lottery draw is used for various social welfare schemes in Kerala, such as;
- Job Creation: Lottery sales revenue creates many employment opportunities.
- Community Development: Funding supports community centers and sports facilities.
- Support for Vulnerable Groups: Programs assist elderly, disabled, and low-income families.
- Public Services: Improves accessibility towards quality education and healthcare through lottery-generated funds.
Kerala State Lotteries Games
The Kerala State Lotteries games are administered by the Government of Kerala through its lottery department, which was established in 1967, making it the first state to legalize lotteries in India. Currently, they organize seven weekly lotteries, each with distinct names and prize structures like Pournami (Sunday), Win-Win (Monday), Sthree Sakthi (Tuesday), Akshaya (Wednesday), Karunya Plus (Thursday), Nirmal (Friday), and Karunya (Saturday). These lotteries attract participants not only from Kerala but also from across the country due to their popularity and the significant prize amounts offered.
- Is there a deadline for claiming Karunya Plus Lottery prizes?
- Yes, winners must claim their prizes within 30 days from the date of the draw.
- When Kerala Karunya Plus lottery results live-stream start?
- Today at 2:55 PM onwards Karunya Plus lottery results live-stream.
- Is any additional document required for claiming a prize above 1 lakh?
- Yes, for prizes exceeding 1 lakh, you must also provide a notarized affidavit confirming your ownership of the ticket.
- Age restrictions for participating in the Karunya Plus Lottery?
- Yes, participants must be 18 years or older to play Karunya Plus Lottery
- Can I buy a Karunya Plus Lottery ticket from another country?
- No, but if you know someone locally in Kerala, they can purchase a ticket on your behalf.