The Nirmal Bhagyakuri is a popular Kerala state lottery played by many, one among the seven weekly lotteries. We have updated today’s Nirmal NR 396 Kerala lottery results precisely at 3 PM on 06-09-2024. You can access the official Nirmal lottery winning lucky draw numbers by visiting and downloading the PDF at 4 PM. Review the payout schedule and the procedure for claiming rewards from the first prize to consolation prizes
Today And Yesterday’s Result
1st Prize Rs.7,000,000/- [70 Lakhs]
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
2nd Prize Rs.10,00,000/- [10 Lakhs]
3rd Prize Rs.1,00,000/- [1 Lakh]
4th Prize Rs.5,000/-
5th Prize Rs.1,000/-
6th Prize Rs.500/-
7th Prize Rs.100/-