The Nirmal Bhagyakuri is a popular Kerala state lottery played by many, one among the seven weekly lotteries. We have updated today’s Nirmal NR 390 Kerala lottery results precisely at 3 PM on 26.07.24. You can access the official Nirmal lottery winning lucky draw numbers by visiting and downloading the PDF at 4 PM. Review the payout schedule and the procedure for claiming rewards from the first prize to consolation prizes
Today And Yesterday’s Result
1st Prize Rs.7,000,000/- [70 Lakhs]
Agency No.: A 3379
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
NA 954802
NB 954802
ND 954802
NE 954802
NF 954802
NG 954802
NH 954802
NJ 954802
NK 954802
NL 954802
NM 954802
2nd Prize Rs.10,00,000/- [10 Lakhs]
NB 643975
Agent Name:
Agency No.:
3rd Prize Rs.1,00,000/- [1 Lakh]
NA 129516
NB 930277
NC 419261
ND 912749
NE 244133
NF 109276
NG 141116
NH 195986
NJ 838619
NK 206466
NL 174176
NM 666212
4th Prize Rs.5,000/-
0892 1144 1253 1393 2769 2794 3898 4181 4313 5032 5621 5898 5899 5934 6235 6965 7207 9767
5th Prize Rs.1,000/-
0956 1197 1545 1630 1773 1941 2503 2568 3346 3528 3878 3904 5033 5152 5279 5408 5445 5697 5789 6448 6538 6587 7044 7159 7282 7375 7605 7965 7984 8006 8147 8204 8234 8748 8931 9403
6th Prize Rs.500/-
1811 8561 7903 5160 5925 9212 5506 1117 4314 5108 5565 5226 5665 4383 7385 4912 7255 0625 5810 1433 3506 5668 3014 6986 6149 0140 5453 6167 9942 4689 1329 6710 4151 5493 2272 8280 6762 7164 2623 0907 0986 0655 9164 6252 5006 4415 3296 2340 2053 5267 7390 2725 0351 5247 7283 4718 0554 4319 0197 3835 7038 3135 2626 7256 6721 2189 7295 8477 9935 6066 7567 4038 6987 4366 9862 6265 1929 6490 2069
7th Prize Rs.100/-
0218 0308 0336 0387 0392 0523 0529 0570 0636 0672 0718 0733 0798 0825 0996 1009 1147 1248 1292 1319 1395 1408 1643 1757 1835 1931 2123 2129 2131 2165 2204 2262 2354 2394 2542 2554 2659 2825 2842 2854 2944 2975 3066 3097 3124 3138 3230 3273 3345 3384 3527 3706 3757 3764 3784 4024 4157 4252 4346 4352 4414 4494 4587 4746 4750 4799 4862 4884 4931 5050 5082 5440 5720 5760 6241 6251 6298 6456 6493 6658 6662 6781 6784 6831 6908 6945 6955 6979 7034 7069 7266 7274 7325 7517 7618 7678 7731 7922 7951 7967 8022 8051 8059 8095 8109 8343 8421 8568 8839 8915 8995 9111 9287 9376 9391 9562 9647 9735 9761 9851 9866 9896