The Kerala government conducts the Akshaya lottery with the code ‘AK-660’ and unique numbers every Sunday. The results are announced under official supervision to ensure transparency and prevent fraud. Check the live Akshaya lottery results for 14.05.24 at 3 PM by the Kerala State Lottery Department. Players can download the PDF of Kerala Akshaya lottery results at 4 PM and find the winning numbers below. Stay updated on the latest prize details of today’s Kerala state weekly lottery
Today And Yesterday’s Result
1st Prize Rs.1,00,00,000/- [1 Crore]
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
2nd Prize Rs.10,00,000/- [10 Lakhs]
3rd Prize Rs.5,000/-
4th Prize Rs.2,000/-
5th Prize Rs.1,000/-
6th Prize Rs.500/-
7th Prize Rs.100/-